Looking to the need of the hour, computer education is made compulsory from Class-I itself, for which the school has got a fully equipped Air-conditioned computer lab with computers of latest configuration having audio-visual facilities and Wi-Fi.
Pursuing the statutory requirement, well planned and well equipped science laboratories have been developed separately for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which are being upgraded year after year in line with the syllabus and requirement.
To Supplement the studies we have a huge and spacious AC Library where, a number of reference book, encyclopedia, tri-lingual newspapers, periodicals etc. are available for day today reference by the students which is in addition to a huge quantum of reading books, which were procured during the preceding years.
Transportation facility is extended on 'NO PROFIT, NO LOSS BASIS' to the students who are accommodated in our newly acquired serene premises at Sobhasan, for which twenty 40 seater buses are plying. At present, Class-III to Class-VIII are accommodated at the above said location.
School buildings of all the three premises are connected with Closed Circuit TV with recording facilities to monitor the class-wise activities of children with centralised as well as class-wise announcement system.